Historically an all volunteer, rural fire department.
Until mid-1999 the department was strictly volunteer
In mid-1999, after 5 years of planning, the fire department began staffing the station during weekday work hours (0730 – 1630 hours) with part paid personnel.
This was the result of a decreasing number of volunteers available during the day to respond to calls and a significant increase in the number of missed calls where the department had to rely on mutual aid companies to take calls.
In October 2002, we began staffing the station 24 hours a day with part time personnel. The overnight shift consists of one paramedic/firefighter, supplemented by our volunteers, which allows us to respond our Medic or first engine in less than 3 minutes on average.
Historical Run Data
•Increased from 150/yr to 250/yr between 1990 and 1998.
•Missed an average of 18 runs/yr prior to ’99.
•1999 -- Run Volume was 308.
•2000 – Run Volume was 349.
•2001 – Run Volume was 396.
•2002 – Run Volume was 354.
•2003 – Run Volume was 372.
•2004 – Run Volume was 370.
Liberty Township Fire Department Mission Statement:
To provide a highly professional service, based on trust and accountability, which fits the community and rural demographics.